I love browsing images on the Internet.

There are so many great pictures on sites like Flickr , PhotoBucket  and Google Images, but they can be time-consuming and frustrating to browse.

Not any more!

If you haven't downloaded the free PicLens (www.piclens.com) application you're in for a treat.

PicLens plugs into your browser.  When you search on many of the leading image sites it allows you to view the images in a 3D window which zips across your screen as you move your cursor.

You can view hundreds of images very quickly, zooming in on the ones of interest. With the click of a button you can visit the web page where the original image can be found.

The sites where you can currently use PicLens are:

PicLens as a Research Tool

Piclens is not just a cool toy; it is also a very powerful research tool.

Recently I was doing some research on an town called Todmorton. Google search brought up some useful stuff, but it became a chore trawling through dozens of sites which ended up having very brief mentions of the town.

So I decided to try an image search on Todmorton on Google.

Sites which had photos of Todmorton on tended to have much better quality and more detailed information. This greatly reduced my research time and revealed sites I probably would have never found.
